Onboard, Educate & Engage
Enable people to create extraordinary innovations
The most significant success factor for any innovation activity is having motivated and qualified people working on it.

Automatically guide new users
Let users know how to best contribute
Keep users coming back
Help your people become proficient innovators
Telling people that innovation is now part of their job is not enough. Help them acquire practical skills that can level up their innovation game.
Everyone knows how to start
Get everyone on the same page from the outset. Automatically explain how to participate and build their abilities.
Turn all your users into power-users in a scalable way Automate digestible drips of information to show them what they can do Create personalized onboarding emails aligned with your goals

Small positive nudges to keep them going
When someone does something good, like sharing an idea, let them know how to keep improving it and take it to the next level.
Guide users on next steps so they keep making progress Encourage behaviours that add value to your innovation process Create a feedback loop to learn about what's working and what's not

Make sure people understand the mission
Ensure everyone knows what to expect and what is expected from them when they work on innovation activities.
Shared and clear innovation vision, ambitions and goals People know where the company needs to innovate the most Guidance on how you'll work to bring ideas to life