The 12 superpowers that will make you a game-changer in innovation management.
Go live in a couple of weeks, not months
Whether you're just getting started with innovation or you're an experienced innovation manager, InnovationCast will make it easy for you to level up your game, from figuring things out to making them happen.
The impact for you:
Get up and running in a couple of weeks and get the best results ever
Avoid expensive mistakes by starting with proven methods that save time and money
Create your innovation system with all the right pieces effortlessly
Go from ideas to results in months, not years
All companies have to work simultaneously on continuity and change. There are a lot of technologies to handle continuity. But how do you drive change? InnovationCast is your Innovation Management Operating System.
The impact for you:
Implement ideas that help your company do more, with fewer resources and higher quality
Create opportunities for faster growth with new products, services, or marketing innovation
Streamline transformation as a way to drive business innovation
Have the right tools for the right jobs in one tool
Innovation is no longer just about new molecules and bytes. Innovation is about changing what you do and how you do it. Different types of innovation call for different mindsets, processes, skills, methods and metrics. With InnovationCast, you get to do it all in one tool.
The impact for you:
Innovation Starter Kits for most common use cases
All that’s needed to discover, incubate and bring ideas to life, with no effort
Run all innovation activities in one single tool
Get a tailor-made fit at a ready-to-wear price
Creating incremental changes to existing products for existing customers is different from creating new offerings for new markets or new business models. And each company is different. Even though there are several commonalities between innovation processes, we know that companies need to "do their thing" differently. With InnovationCast, you can get unmatched personalization. With clicks, not code.
The impact for you:
Set up a workflow that fits your scenario perfectly, with automation that just works
You don't have to commit to a single methodology or process
Start quickly, learn and evolve your process at any time
Your people will use it and love it
Nobody will happily adopt a system that is difficult to use. InnovationCast has the best user experience by far! That translates to high adoption rates that will lower your implementation costs and help you reach your goals quicker through sustained participation.
The impact for you:
Get your audience tuned in from the outset
Easily onboard users to innovation
Provide an experience that inspires participation
Get people inspired, appreciated and recognized
People can surprise you in wonderful ways, but only if you allow them to do so. InnovationCast helps your people unlock their latent innovation potential. The chances are that every employee has at least one idea on how to work better, improve something or do something new. What are they doing with those ideas? We provide the best technology to surface the best ideas to life and bring them to life.
The impact for you:
Help your people develop new capabilities and succeed at the innovation game
Bring an entrepreneurial and innovative culture to your organization
Meritocracy: allow anyone to contribute and be recognized for what they do
Create a vibrant innovation community
We love Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. But we know that ideas always come from people and are put in motion by people working together. A vibrant community is what gives people reasons to stick around. That’s why InnovationCast helps you connect people and ideas and enable connections that otherwise wouldn’t occur.
The impact for you:
Develop innovation communities that unlock extraordinary business value
Inbuild collaboration into the way your company works and innovates
Create an encouraging and inspiring environment to surface innovators
Easily measure success and the return on innovation
Vanity metrics don't drive progress. You will get the metrics and KPIs that matter. Companies struggle to know the status of each project. There's no visibility across teams, and it's challenging to know who's working on what. With InnovationCast, you always know where you stand and when to take decisive action.
The impact for you:
Right metrics and KPIs to track progress and returns for different types of innovation
Increase speed-to-market while reducing innovation’s costs & risk
Create an encouraging and inspiring environment to surface innovators
Save time to work on what matters
Your mission as an innovation manager is to orchestrate all of your company's innovation activities to create critical business outcomes. And we know how hard it can be. Usually, innovation management teams are small and understaffed, and that's why we focus so much on automation - to remove as much workload as possible from your daily duties.
The impact for you:
Save time and use it to help people innovate
Stop spending time on status updates, nudging people and focus on what matters the most
Innovate at scale without needing too many resources
Open-up innovation, with control
As per Joy’s Law, “no matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else”. InnovationCast makes it easy to open up innovation activities to people outside your company without losing control. You can safely invite external people to help you discover, collect, assess, develop ideas, and turn them into new value.
The impact for you:
"Open" innovation just as much as you need to
Develop your very own innovation ecosystem
Co-create business value with customers, external experts and entrepreneurs
Never walk alone
From the moment you start working with us, you’ll get hands-on advising for the preparation, launch and operation of your innovation system. InnovationCast provides customer service that is second to none. Not even close. We’ll tackle the innovation challenge together.
The impact for you:
Get unmatched hands-on help and advice from people with experience from the trenches
If you're just getting started, avoid the common traps that hinder your ability to innovate
We'll help you realize your vision and desired results
Accelerate Digital Transformation
We think of Digital Transformation as part of Organizational Transformation. InnovationCast offers dedicated support to help you transform your business model, products and services, operations, the way people work and your relationships with your customers.
Be a game-changer through innovation management
We help you get where you want to go. From progressive evolution to chasing moonshots. Our goal is that every one of our customers becomes a game-changer through innovation management